For those of you who desn't know what MSC 3 is: MSC is shorter for Madness Scene Creator, MSC 3 will be the most powerfull scene creator when finished. Read features and you will know WHY
Hello everyone, MSC 3 is soon done, under 15 days to finish objects and backgrounds. 1 (maybe 2) days to put everything togheter and then some testing, maybe a few bug fixes and done!
I've created 216 objects right now and I'm gonna make about 10-20 object a day from now. Also about 2-4 backgrounds a day, 19 backgrounds done, 11 left.
All other things are working good, all scripts done etc.... So after that I'll just have to put everything togheter.
Features are:
Over 300 unique objects, 30 different backgrounds ( both created from scracth :D )
NO LAG, it's killed
Ability to; Rotate, Scale, Flip, Delete and also to bring objects to front. This using smart keyboard shortcuts
3 different songs, and if you don't feel like listening to music, you can turn it of
A library for the objects, select a catagory of objects and then browse trough the pages. Just click an object when you want to insert it to the scene!
4 skins; default (gray), white, blue and red
Reset scene when you want to start over
And there's even more, so maybe it's worth the waiting?
12th: 7 new objects today (223/300+) 13th: 2 new objects (225/300+), i'm pretty much out of ideas, so if you have one, tell me :) Also started putting scripts on objects, 1 new background (20/30)
Hell yeah its worth waiting for!!!
I'm glad you do appreciate my work ;)